Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Time is Here!!!

Fall time is finally here and we are so excited about it. Addie is now 8 months old...Time is flying by too fast. Everyone said to enjoy every minute because it goes by too fast but I didn't realize it would really go this fast!!! Addie is now sitting on her own, standing if she holds on to something, saying "ma ma" "da da" and Grandma Tamborini swears she heard her say "all done" when she was done eating the other morning. We are working on her crawling but for the time being I am enjoying having a stationary child that I can sit somewhere and be sure she can not get anywhere else.
Every Wednesday morning Addie and I go to an infant music class. It is a 30 minute class with infants age birth-18 months. There are 6 kids including Addie in the class. We sing, dance and play instruments. She is the youngest kid in the class and the only 0ne that can't crawl/walk so she does get frustrated sometimes when all the other kids are moving and she can't :(....But she LOVES being there with the other kids and laughs, smiles, dances and sings the whole class.
This fall has been very eventful for our family. As I said in our last post, we have moved in with Grandma and Grandpa Tamborini. We are enjoying geting to spend so much time with them!!! Uncle Shawn came home for a visit. He was here for about 3 days and we had a lot of fun seeing him. We also went to the Pumpkin Patch last weekend. We took a hayride there and had a lot of fun looking at and picking out our pumpkins. We have a lot more coming up this month with Addie's first Halloween. She is going to be a chicken :) We are going to take her trick or treating at Grandma and Grandpa Jeffreys and Grandma and Grandpa Tamborini's.
We hope you all are having a wonderful fall and enjoying the cooler weather!!! We love you all we do!!!

Ads on the scal with our pumpkins

Mommy and Addie

Looking for the perfect pumpkin for his little girl

Addie and Daddy

Addie having fun with pumpkins

Addie sitting like a big girl :)

Addie (she LOVED the pumpkins)

Mommy and Addie at the Pumpkin Farm

Addie and Grandma

Grandma, Amy (Shawn's girlfriend), Uncle Shawn, Addie and Grandpa

Grandma and Addie

First day of Music Class...Taking pictures on Grandma's backporch

8 months old!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

You never get too old to move back in with your parents :)

So....Timmy, Addie and I have moved in with the grandparents. About a month ago we decided our house was getting to be too far from Timmy's work and our neighborhood was getting a little too unsafe for our liking. It was getting to be really hard on us to be traveling over and hour every day to get to and from work so we started looking at houses closer to Wake Forest (which is where Timmy works). We found several that we like and one that we LOVE. It just needs some work. We needed to clear out our house to put it on the market so we moved in with Grandma and Grandpa Tamborini. We plan on putting an offer on the house that we love this week sometime and then it will take several months to get it up to par. We will take tons of before and after pics!!!

Here are some recent pics of Addie:

Having lunch out at Daddy's work

We found a butterfly that was a little wounded on Grandmas driveway and Addie loved it...