Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Tea Room Experience

In downtown Wake Forest, there is a Tea Room. They have finger sandwhiches, desserts and of course tea. It is a cute little restaurant where little girls get all dressed up and have a tea party. The other day we took Addie there for her first tea. She posed for lots of pictures, tried hats on and napped. We enjoyed the food and tea. We had a wonderful time with sweet little Cory Adeline.

This next hat reminded us of Aunt Dot :)


  1. This is just the sweetest! I bet you girls had a wonderful time!!! You and your Mom both look happy and glowing! Addie is beautiful!

  2. Oh my gosh, is she so cute!! What wonderful pictures of her and her hats and her mom and Grandma. Yes, I agree the one looks like Aunt Dot. : ) What a fun time that was for you three. Love to you three.

  3. We did have a wonderful morning in downtown Wake Forest [if that's possible in old WF??]. Loved The Tea Room with all it's wonderful little sandwiches, strawberry soup and fresh herbal teas. : ) But Addie made the whole experience so very I love that little granddaughter of mine. She made so many funny & sweet faces with the hats and then the laughing experience we shall never forget. : ) Love all of you I do!! & so does Grandpa.
